On Saturday, I received the greatest gift ...an IPHONE!!!!! I couldn't believe i was am the new owner of an iphone....pinch me I must be dreaming! That was my Easter gift from my niece, sister, and brother in law. Oh how marvelous it is but on to the talk about our Easter day. We went to visit my parents and siblings where we had the most delicious prime rib...yum! I made creamed spinach which was much easier than I thought and hid the eggs for everyone to find. This hiding of the eggs is harder than it seems. I mean you need to be really smart about where you hide them. We, of course, threw a few on the grass for Olivia to find since she cant really climb trees yet.
Uncle Gabes was serenading Olive
Everyone was impressed that Olive knows what a mic is, believe me, she belted out those tunes
Here is Sir, he is our old kitty. He decided to stay away from all the action
She was mad that she couldn't go check the other neighbors yards
Ahhh, the things I do to try and get her to eat.