
Easter and an iphone

On Saturday, I received the greatest gift ...an IPHONE!!!!! I couldn't believe i was am the new owner of an iphone....pinch me I must be dreaming! That was my Easter gift from my niece, sister, and brother in law. Oh how marvelous it is but on to the talk about our Easter day. We went to visit my parents and siblings where we had the most delicious prime rib...yum! I made creamed spinach which was much easier than I thought and hid the eggs for everyone to find. This hiding of the eggs is harder than it seems. I mean you need to be really smart about where you hide them. We, of course, threw a few on the grass for Olivia to find since she cant really climb trees yet.

 Uncle Gabes was serenading Olive

 Everyone was impressed that Olive knows what a mic is, believe me, she belted out those tunes

Here is Sir, he is our old kitty. He decided to stay away from all the action

 She was mad that she couldn't go check the other neighbors yards

Ahhh, the things I do to try and get her to eat.


Gertie and Tangled

Lately, Olivia has been in love with the movie Tangled. She can sit and watch the entire movie if we allowed her to. I dont know what it is but she acts like everytime is the first time she is seeing it. We tried giving her variety and putting on Charlotte's web or Yo Gabba Gabba...but sadly no one makes her smile like Rapunzel. Maybe we will take her to Disneyland soon enough where she can meet the actual Rapunzel.

and as promised....a picture of Gertie!


Snap! She's awesome

This post is going to be mostly pictures. Lately, Olivia's little personality has been shining through and I can't help but LOVE it. She is such a squeaker!!!!
Birthday Fun!

classic Olive


Wisteria Lane and Nathan Fillion

Desperate Housewives. Probably one of my favorites shows ever. It has drama, drama, and even more drama.  Well, on Friday my sister surprised me with tickets to A Block Party on Wisteria Lane. We arrived Saturday, at Universal Studios (where Desperate Housewives is shot) and were taken on a tram to Wisteria Lane. On the Bus sitting next to me, Desiree, and Michelle was Nathan Fillion. He was so cute, tall, and muscular . We all drooled just a little bit. So began our uh-mazing night . We toured all the houses which was more fun for me and Desiree. (Michelle was there for only one reason: Nathan Fillion. ) The night was spectacular and so were the house. They look just like they do on tv. Eva Longoria's (Gaby's) house was so beautiful  and it was open for us to go inside. The most amazing of all the houses was Dana Delany's house in the show. I had a blast and was glad that my sister gave me the opportunity to walk on the set of the show. I acted like a total nerd most of the night and squealed with delight at the sight of every house. I got to meet, Dana Delany, Marcia Cross, and a few other celebrities. To say Desiree and I embarrassed Michelle is an understatement. We yelled like schoolgirls. I dont care. We had fun and Michelle got Nathan Fillion's autograph. Oh such a beautiful night to be among the  celebrities.


Olive and Gertie

A couple of days ago, while olive, Desiree, and I were on a walk, we saw an older lady start walking towards us. I continued the conversation me and Desiree were having until she approached us. She asked us if we had lost a bunny, a stuffed one, but I didn't find that out until a bit later. She said they had found the bunny in the rain and had put a sign hoping the owner would see it. So she walks us toward the sign and we see the cutest pink bunny tied to the sign. So began olivia's love with Gertie the bunny. She reached for the bunny and the lady handed her over. She told us how she and her roommate had seen the bunny and put it in the washer hoping the owner would come. No one ever claimed the bunny so they decided to give it to olive. How sweet!

Well Olive and Gertie have been inseparable. She sleeps with her and plays with her and all around loves her. When asked "where is Gertie" she takes you to her room where she points at Gertie through the bars of her crib. I will one day post a picture of Olive and Gertie. I am glad she was given to Olive because she gives Gertie the love and attention she deserves. We plan to send the nice ladies a pic of the duo together..in case anyone is wondering how Gertie got her name, here it is: the ladies names were Rosie and Gertrude. So we combined the names and came up with Gertie, such a big name for such a little rabbit.