
Gertie and Tangled

Lately, Olivia has been in love with the movie Tangled. She can sit and watch the entire movie if we allowed her to. I dont know what it is but she acts like everytime is the first time she is seeing it. We tried giving her variety and putting on Charlotte's web or Yo Gabba Gabba...but sadly no one makes her smile like Rapunzel. Maybe we will take her to Disneyland soon enough where she can meet the actual Rapunzel.

and as promised....a picture of Gertie!


  1. Gertie is a stuffed bunny? I thought she had a real one!

  2. oh my gosh, she is ADORABLE! :)))


  3. @brenda- haha when the lady told us she found a bunny, we thought it was a real one too. but gertie is a cutie
    @ julie- thank you!! :)
